Monday, March 9, 2015

No unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing

I hope all is going well for everyone. Here in Antony, things couldn't be better! Not only are things warming-up in temperature, but in the work as well! This week we were amazed to see each of our investigators take the next step in their progression!
There's one experience I would like to share in particular. Remember how I wrote about our young friend, Christian a few weeks ago. The sixteen year-old boy who has already been baptized but was grounded from coming to church by his parents immediately after his baptism, preventing him from getting confirmed a member of the church. We saw something incredible happen with him.
A few weeks ago, we went to meet his mother at her Japanese restaurant (I wrote about it in the last email, I think), we got there, ate (and might I say that it was dang good!), and asked the waitress if we could meet with Kimiyo (his mother). She came up looking rather flustered and told us to come back later that night because she was too busy. On our way back later that day, we get a text from Christian saying that his mother would rather us come back Saturday. On our way there on Saturday, Christian texted us again and said that his mother didn't want to meet with us then, or ever.... We were devastated. We wanted so bad to talk to this woman to get permission for her son.
After praying to figure out what to do, we both wrote Kimiyo letters. We poured a ton of time into these letters too. I'm talking first and second drafts and everything! We plopped those little letters in an envelope along with some pictures of us and our family photos (thanks, Riss;) and went back to the restaurant. After eating an excellent meal, we left the letters for Kimiyo along with our compliments to the chef.
Suspense was awful as Christian didn't respond to any of our texts or calls for a few days. We started wondering if we messed everything up. On Suday, we sat in priesthood meeting with one of our newest amis, and we were baffled as the door opened and in walked Christian! I caught a hold of him and asked him how he got there, and he said that the letters worked! That his mother's heart softened and he again received permission to come back to church. Elder Stanford and I couldn't contain our excitement.
We'll return to the restaurant soon to get absolute confirmation from the mother so we don't have this problem again, and then we'll be able to finally confirm this stud a member of the church (unless rebaptism is necessary. President Babin is looking into it right now).
Ya know, I don't think that I've ever met so much opposition in any one thing while on my mission. We had so many factors to get over before we could get to Christian's mother. No joke, the day we went to the restaurant while I was writing my emails, some guy in this internet cafe came up to my companion, slipped him a note saying "don't talk, just read. You are a human bomb. Meet me outside." We were super sketched-out! But, everything worked out, because God provides a way. He always has, and he always will. We felt to just ignore the guy and go, and we did.
I love you all, and seriously, if there's a righteous cause that needs doing, have the courage and the conviction to see it done. With God on our side, what do we have to worry about? In fact, check it:
"What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?"        (Romans 8:31)

Coming from the mouth of Paul who experienced first hand just about every opposition and affliction known to man (2 Corinthians 11:24-30), you know it's gotta be true. I second his testimony with my own that God loves us, and as we are anxiously engaged in a good cause, he's got our back better than anyone or anything found on this Earth.

Peace, love, and temple marriage, and can I get a letter? *said like the guy from the Allstate commercials*
Elder Wheatley

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