Monday, March 9, 2015

Les Sports, La Musique, L'Amour, N'Importe Quoi. - 7/7/14

Okay, so this week was miraculous. We had more lessons than ever before and found loads of people to teach about the Gospel. The Spirit was super strong all week and Elder Utahia and I were so blessed.
A couple weeks ago, we were finally able to meet with the branch president to coordinate our efforts and progress with our plans (his wife just had a baby so it was hard to get him). He gave us the go ahead to start a branch choir, a Saturday Sport session, to teach the youth occasionally, and a couple other ideas for the unification of the Saints here. This week was booming as a result!
Branch Choir
So, nobody in the choir has ever had vocal training other than Elder Utahia and myself, and none of them no how to read music. We only have eight people in the group right now, but I love it so much! Yeah we're small and lack talent, but the Spirit is so strong regardless. Next Sunday we'll sing "Ah, Donné moi, Père" the French equivalent of "More Holiness Give Me." I'm so stoked.
Samedi Sport
This was so much fun and we had an awesome turn-out! We played ping pong, ultimate frisbee, and soccer, and Elder Utahia led the women in this hilarious mix of Tai Bo and Zumba! Halfway through the party, a member comes in with two guys saying "hey, I found these guys outside and asked them if they want to join our party, and they said yes, so... here ya go!" It didn't take us long to realize that both of them were drunk... haha! Playing them in soccer was hilarious! It's a pity they didn't stick around for the spiritual thought at the end.
At the end, the spiritual thought was so good. Elder Utahia and I spent quite a few days preparing it so it would be, and it payed off. The Spirit was so strong. At church the next day, everybody was talking about it! Can't wait to see some new investigators turn-up at the next one!
Lesson with the Youth
There aren't too many youth in our branch, but E. Utahia and I felt strongly that we need to build them up a bit. During the first hour of church, we taught the lesson to the "jeûnes gens," (young men), and it was great. We used props, action figures, and kitchen utensils to tell the story of Amalickiah and Lehonti, found in Alma 45-47. Essentially, the lesson was to not descend from your standards (mount Antipas) even a little bit, because the adversary's intentions are to get ya (poisoned by degrees). We then talked about the For Strength of Youth and how it's essential for everyone to live by these standards, youth and adults, because they protect us from the arm of the adversary. The Spirit was so strong.
I saw miracles this week, and I also saw some of the hardest things of my mission. I know the miracles came about because of the desires of E. Utahia and I to serve God. I can speak French now. I lost count of all the conversations I had on the train and on the road this week. Yeah, my comprehension isn't perfect yet, and I don't know every word I want, but I can converse concerning just about anything now. The Lord has blessed me so much, and for that I am grateful.
Thank you for the prayers! I can feel them bless my life, and thanks for the emails and letters! I love you all.
Elder Wheatley
Haha! This was one of the drunk guys trying to play ping pong.

We had a special zone conference for the arrival of our new mission president, Prez. Babin! This is my District... we never got a picture with everybody ready, hah. I can't believe I'm already done with one transfer... it went so fast!

Hey check it out!! A couple Muslim Missionaries!!

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