Monday, March 9, 2015

No unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing

I hope all is going well for everyone. Here in Antony, things couldn't be better! Not only are things warming-up in temperature, but in the work as well! This week we were amazed to see each of our investigators take the next step in their progression!
There's one experience I would like to share in particular. Remember how I wrote about our young friend, Christian a few weeks ago. The sixteen year-old boy who has already been baptized but was grounded from coming to church by his parents immediately after his baptism, preventing him from getting confirmed a member of the church. We saw something incredible happen with him.
A few weeks ago, we went to meet his mother at her Japanese restaurant (I wrote about it in the last email, I think), we got there, ate (and might I say that it was dang good!), and asked the waitress if we could meet with Kimiyo (his mother). She came up looking rather flustered and told us to come back later that night because she was too busy. On our way back later that day, we get a text from Christian saying that his mother would rather us come back Saturday. On our way there on Saturday, Christian texted us again and said that his mother didn't want to meet with us then, or ever.... We were devastated. We wanted so bad to talk to this woman to get permission for her son.
After praying to figure out what to do, we both wrote Kimiyo letters. We poured a ton of time into these letters too. I'm talking first and second drafts and everything! We plopped those little letters in an envelope along with some pictures of us and our family photos (thanks, Riss;) and went back to the restaurant. After eating an excellent meal, we left the letters for Kimiyo along with our compliments to the chef.
Suspense was awful as Christian didn't respond to any of our texts or calls for a few days. We started wondering if we messed everything up. On Suday, we sat in priesthood meeting with one of our newest amis, and we were baffled as the door opened and in walked Christian! I caught a hold of him and asked him how he got there, and he said that the letters worked! That his mother's heart softened and he again received permission to come back to church. Elder Stanford and I couldn't contain our excitement.
We'll return to the restaurant soon to get absolute confirmation from the mother so we don't have this problem again, and then we'll be able to finally confirm this stud a member of the church (unless rebaptism is necessary. President Babin is looking into it right now).
Ya know, I don't think that I've ever met so much opposition in any one thing while on my mission. We had so many factors to get over before we could get to Christian's mother. No joke, the day we went to the restaurant while I was writing my emails, some guy in this internet cafe came up to my companion, slipped him a note saying "don't talk, just read. You are a human bomb. Meet me outside." We were super sketched-out! But, everything worked out, because God provides a way. He always has, and he always will. We felt to just ignore the guy and go, and we did.
I love you all, and seriously, if there's a righteous cause that needs doing, have the courage and the conviction to see it done. With God on our side, what do we have to worry about? In fact, check it:
"What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?"        (Romans 8:31)

Coming from the mouth of Paul who experienced first hand just about every opposition and affliction known to man (2 Corinthians 11:24-30), you know it's gotta be true. I second his testimony with my own that God loves us, and as we are anxiously engaged in a good cause, he's got our back better than anyone or anything found on this Earth.

Peace, love, and temple marriage, and can I get a letter? *said like the guy from the Allstate commercials*
Elder Wheatley

Opposition in All Things - 2/16/14

So this past week has been the hardest yet the most fulfilling week of my entire mission.
Hard things:
Early in the week, we had not yet placed a picture of Elder Stanford on his Navigo (a card used for public transportation) (my bad... I'm a lazy son of a gun), and we were "controlled" by train staff. The ticket for no picture was 33 euros. We narrowly avoided having the police called on us for not having the funds to pay the fee on us, but that little Zion's Bank card saved us last second!
Two days later, Elder Stanford left his Navigo on the metro and we couldn't retrieve it, so we had to spend a bunch more money to get a weekly pass until we can check the lost and found. The whole process took a long time and was super stressful as we were turned-away by each staff in attempts of renewing the card or at least getting a one-way pass home.
From Monday to Wednesday, we were shot down more than ever before, and people were pretty sassy in their ways of saying no. This gets pretty annoying after the 50th time.
Turning Moment
On Thursday, we had a very well timed zone conference with interviews with the mission president that placed a fire in the both of us. The same day we had a prayer that we would be humble and grateful in our struggles, and that the Lord would guide us in finding new investigators and helping current investigators progress.
Good Things:
In a series of miraculous events, 8 new investigators were found through street contacts, transport contacts, member referrals, and missionary referrals; a family found with Elder Nelson had their first appointment where the Spirit touched each and every heart, ending with them inviting us back; and one of our biggest concerns, a sixteen year-old boy named Christian made an extraordinary step to ask his Japanese parents if we could teach them and request that Christain can join the church of Jesus Christ. We're actually going to the mother's restaurant in fifteen minutes to talk to them.
I know with all my heart that God loves us and wants to bless us, and I know that these blessings come as we are obedient to his commandments. "And when we obtain any blessingfrom God, it is by obedience to that law upon which it is predicated." (Doctrine and Covenants 130:21). I know also that Satan throws everything he's got at us in the last minute in an attempt to make us miss out on these blessings, so we have every reason to stay strong.
I love you all a ton, and this work is easily the most fulfilling work in the world. Stay strong and do what's right, for God will bless us more than we can imagine.
Elder Wheatley

It's a Small World After All! - 2/9/14

Helllooo everybody!

So, I'm a bit short on time today, but I wanted to leave you with an experience that just blew me away.

So get this, there's a lady from Thailand in our ward who is super awesome. I'd love to give you some first names, but I only know her as Sœur (sister) Ferrazza. Sœur Ferrazza is awesome! She's very active in ward missionary work and invites her friends to meet the missionaries and take their lessons all the time. She is easily one of the most devoted members of the ward and has been a big help in the building of the kingdom in Antony.

A couple weeks ago, while eating dinner with the Ferrazza family, Sœur Ferrazza was surprised at my tolerance and liking of Thai food. I mentioned that I had an uncle that lived in Thailand for a number of years who introduced me to the culture. She asked for his name, and the moment that I said Derek States (that's right, Uncle Derek, I'm calling you out) she exclaimed "Derek?! Derek?! Derek introduced me to the Church!" Upon further conversation, it turns-out that Sœur Ferrazza was indeed brought to the Church by my uncle!

At times in life we all might wonder if we've really done any good in the world. I know that I've gotten down on myself at times because I felt like I've missed so many opportunities to share the "good news". Just remember that there are many unseen influences that comes about from those actions that we do take. I can't read my uncle's mind, but doubt that he was anticipating Sœur Ferrazza helping the missionaries in France, let alone his own nephew. So, let this be a reason to do good. Every action you take makes some sort of impact, so let us choose to act for the Lord.  

And by the way, voici my new companion, Elder Stanford! Isn't he the studliest Canadian Moose-Buck the world's ever known? I'll say!

Love you all! Do good things and think before you act!

Elder Wheatley

"What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder." 2/2/14

Hi everybody!
So this week had a couple beautiful miracles come about:
So, my first day in Antony, Elder Nelson and I visited a small Hispanic family. The parents, Andrea and Alex, are two of the kindest people I've ever met. The missionaries had been visiting this family for over a year, but they couldn't be baptized because Andrea and Alex are not married yet they live together. We asked if they had any intentions of starting their marriage papers, and Andrea told us that she was waiting until Alex proposed officially.
Last Monday, Elder Nelson invited Alex to come play tennis with us so we could get some one-on-one... two-on-one time with him. At the end of our heated match (Elder Nelson rocked us both), we shared with Alex Ephesians 5:22-25 with the intentions of Alex initiating family home evenings:

 "22 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.
 23 For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.
 24 Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.
 25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;"
We then told Alex that he has a responsability as the patriarch of the family to be the example. We then in engaged him to give the spiritual thought on Wednesday during our family home evening. He agreed.
Apparently that scripture really did something for him, because we show up for FHE, and he invited his mother and brother to come too. During the spiritual thought, he shared Ephesians 5:22-25 again, and another scripture about Adam and Eve, and then turned to Andrea and expressed how he, as the father-figure, needed love his wife as Christ loves the church. He then asked if we could all kneel for a closing prayer. After the prayer, everyone stood except for Alex who, kneeling on one knee took Andrea's hand and asked her to marry him! 
You know, as a missionary, I love to think that I can make plans for our investigators. We had a strong impression to invite Alex to give the spiritual thought, but it never crossed our minds that he would propose! I love my Father in Heaven, and I know that when He prompts us to act, the result will only bring us further happiness. It's just a matter of time before this family joins Christ's fold.

Love you all!
Elder Wheatley

Bashing? No no no no no no - 1/19/14

Hi everyone,
So, it's been a couple of weeks since my last email, and things have been a bit crazy. For starters, don't worry about the whole "Je Suis Charlie" thing. It has had utterly no impact on France missionaries. Hakuna Matata and God bless America.
Second, I learned a valuable lesson recently:
So get this, a little over a month ago, the sister missionaries in our ward thought it would be a funny idea to go up to an African man publicly calling people to repentance in the middle of Paris and give him our contact information saying "we're interested in what you have to say. This is our number." Surprise! Next thing we know, we have an appointment set with Jean-Marie, the African Evangelist Pastor.
Elder Nelson and I went into this appointment with the intention of sharing the message of the restoration, but it ultimately just turned into the strongest bible bash that I've ever had. I'm not gonna lie, we had him on the ropes, because his beliefs were riddled with flaws, holes, and contradictions (there's no original church, church is in the heart, etc...), and I felt pretty cool as my mind began to slip back into the art of rhetorical device and sophistry. However, by the end of this appointment we met a bitter defeat. Yes, in a sense of debate, we had won and conveyed our message, but nobody left that rendezvous edified by the Spirit. I had regrets and learned from my mistakes.
Now, two weeks ago we had the fortune to stumble across a 15-year instructor of the Bible for the Jehovah's Witnesses. Elder Nelson and I were determined not to repeat our mistakes. We went into our appointments, and Maxime, the JW, was begging to bash. Every opportunity he got, he would whip out his Bible and throw down arguments to counter the pettiest things. However, I'm very pleased to say that we always left feeling rather victorious. Yes, we let many of his arguments go unanswered and his interjections uncountered, but we were able to testify and teach, always leaving with a beautiful spirit in the midst.
Elder Bednar taught in the MTC that investigators remember what was felt, not what was said. I testify to this, and I further testify that it is this Spirit felt by the investigators that compels them to change their life. I know this Gospel is true, and I challenge each of you this week to say something that invites the Spirit into your conversations with others.
Love you all!
- Upon leaving a rendezvous, I turned around and realized where we just had it. Sometimes you just need to stop and look at the little things.
- Obeeezy made a billboard!
- We just got Saturday Sport up and going in our ward. It's great!

Éveil de Noël avec les Vieux - 12/29/14

Okay, so we had one of the coolest Christmas stories ever this year:

So get this, about four weeks ago, Elder Nelson and I went contacting in an area called L'Hays les Roses. While there, these two men pass us on the road, one of them being this super old dude in a wheelchair, and Elder Nelson calls out "Can we help you?" The man pushing the older fellow around looks at us and goes "Yeah! I don't know who this old guy is. I found him in the street." He gave us the handles and peaced-out. Elder Nelson and I looked at each other not really knowing what to do.
We pushed this incredibly old man in whatever direction he pointed his finger (he wouldn't talk to us), and he eventually led us to an old folks home. As we entered, we informed the staff that we found this guy in the street, and a lady goes "He escaped again?!" They quickly rolled him off to some room, and Elder Nelson and I saw a golden opportunity. While there, we spoke with the activity director and started the works on a "Christmas in da Crib" musical fireside!
On the 24th at 3PM, ten missionaries got together to present an hour long Cristmas program to many many ancient men and women, their families, and the staff of this building. This gave a great opportunity to sing, pray, read scriptures, and bare testimony to those that would hear. The spirit was so strong and beautiful during this event.
It just so happened the directress of many retirement homes was present, and she came up to us after and thanked us repeatedly. She then asked us if we would be willing to do the same performance multiple times at her other homes! We said that we'd talk to our mission president and get back to her.
The Lord can be really funny sometimes. Who would have thought that the simple words "can I help you" could lead to such an adventure. I was so blessed to see the smiling faces of many aged men and women who sang with us, prayed with us, and let-out an occassional "Amen!" during our between-song spiritual thoughts. I know that the God places people in our paths for a reason, and it is our responsability to leave them better than we found them.

We, the four elders in my apartment, then went to eat at a members home for Christmas, and at the end, the family goes "alright! Off to the eiffel tower!" We then piled into the car to go and climb to the very top of the eiffel tower on Christmas Eve.
Love you all so much!
Elder Wheatley
Other photos:
- Sights from the Eiffel tower.
- Who knew that they have ice skating on the first floor of the Eiffel Tower on Christmas Eve? 
- More of Christmas in da Crib!

Christmas! 12/22/14

Merry Christmas everyone!
I know we're a few days in advance, but like, I'm not going to be talking to any of you until next Monday... well most of you.
So, I had a thought hit me this week. Last Thursday, I had the chance to sing with three other missionaries at a zone conference comprising of half of the mission. Elder Texiera from the 70 was present to speak and instruct. The song we sang was an a capella arrangement of I heard the bells on Christmas Day. It was in preparing for this song that I came to respect and love the message of this song. Check it:
  1.  I heard the bells on Christmas day
    Their old familiar carols play,
    And wild and sweet the words repeat
    Of peace on earth, good will to men.
  2.  I thought how, as the day had come,
    The belfries of all Christendom
    Had rolled along th'unbroken song
    Of peace on earth, good will to men.
  3.  And in despair I bowed my head:
    "There is no peace on earth," I said,
    "For hate is strong and mocks the song
    Of peace on earth, good will to men."
  4. Then pealed the bells more loud and deep:
    "God is not dead, nor doth he sleep;
    The wrong shall fail, the right prevail,
    With peace on earth, good will to men."
  5.  Till, ringing, singing, on its way,
    The world revolved from night to day,
    A voice, a chime, a chant sublime,
    Of peace on earth, good will to men!
Brothers and sisters, we meet people everyday who scoff at our message saying "how could a loving God let all the hate and atrocity in the world go on?" But my message is this, "God is not dead, nor doth he sleep; the wrong shall fail, the right prevail, with peace on earth, good will to men." God is alive, he loves each and every one of us, and as you seek for his hand, you will come to learn of this too. Don't be ashamed to lift your head and wish those around you a very Merry Christmas, for this peaceful message is for everyone.
Love you all, and Merry Christmas!
Elder Wheatley
There's a tank right next to our apartment! France, man, just leaving stuff around....

​Elder Nelson and I finally got to see the Eiffel Tower at night! We have some members that live right by it!

​I looked out my window the other day, and had to get a photo.

"The things of God knoweth no man, unless he have the Spirit of God" - 12/15/14


I've got a pretty neat story for you this week. There once was a man child large in stature and great in bicep circumference given the name Alain of the country of Laos. At the tender age of 14, young Alain moved with his family to France where he met the LDS missionaries and was baptized; the sole member of his family. Alain went on to serve a mission in England, and stayed strong in the church.... but then, a few years after finishing, he stopped coming to church.
This latter bit is where Elder Nelson and I come into the story. I met Alain for the first time this week as we stopped-by his apartment. Elder Nelson was telling me his story, but he couldn't quite put his finger onto why Alain stopped coming to church. During the rendez-vous with Alain, the prompting hit both Elder Nelson and I that we needed to be bold with Alan on church attendance.

We shared the church video Il est le don (he is the gift), and then shared why we need to take the sacrament each week. While doing so, we were very direct and applied the message straight to Alain. What happened as a result was sweet. Alain opened-up entirely on how he despised hypocrisy and how he hated going to church and meeting people who didn't practice what they preached. However, the Lord knew that this was Alain's concern, and we were very blessed to hear him say how he needed to attend church for Christ who is perfect, and not for men who are not.
Brothers and sisters, I know that as we focus on the spirit and live as it directs that the Lord will inspire us and put us on the right path. Sometimes promptings may be scary or illogical, but it always pans-out to our eternal happiness, and of this I bare testimony in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
Love you all!
Joyeux Noël
Elder Wheatley
So, it dipped pretty cold a few days ago, and Elder Nelson and I had to whip-out our terrorist scarf designs. Not everyone was so keen to talk to us on the roads, hah.

Sometimes we wake-up to this beautiful mist over the city. It's beautiful.

I love you mom, and so does everyone in my apartment.

Christmas Card - 12/15/14

So, upon receiving the beautiful Christmas card from dear Elder Gomez and getting a stocking-filled Christmas package from Grandma, Elder Nelson and I decided to send out a little Christmas card ourselves!

Luke 2:
 25 And, behold, there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon; and the same manwas just and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel: and the Holy Ghost was upon him.
 26 And it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost, that he should not see death, before he had seen the Lord’s Christ.
 27 And he came by the Spirit into the temple: and when the parents brought in the child Jesus, to do for him after the custom of the law,
 28 Then took he him up in his arms, and blessed God, and said,
 29 Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word:
 30 For mine eyes have seen thy salvation,
 31 Which thou hast prepared before the face of all people;
 32 A light to lighten the Gentiles, and the glory of thy people Israel.
My beloved relatives and close friends, as funny and depraved of creativity as missionary Christmas cards are, I just want you all to remember this: I know that Jesus is the Christ and that he is our salvation. At this time of Christmas, don't get lost in the traditional, and financial aspects of the season. Never forget the real holy reason we celebrate this beloved holiday.
Love you all!
Elder Wheatley

Salem Alaikum/Joyeux Noel! - 12/1/14

Bonjour les gars!
I hope all has gone well the past couple weeks, because things here in France are the bee's knees!
So get this, two weeks ago, we were graced with the presence of none other than Elder Cook from the quorum of the twelve apostles at our Christmas devotional! This devotional had the entire mission in attendance and was held at the chapel of Versailles. Upon arriving at the devotional, I was surprised upon opening the programme to learn that I would be conducting the music for the devotional, and would hence be standing inches away from an apostle of the Lord! Oh how pleased I was to know that the back of my head would be regarded by Elder Cook!
What happened while Elder Cook spoke was marvelous. As he exhorted us to love our companions and live by multiple points of missionary work, the spirit filled the room. I was touched, and you could hear the tearful sniffles of agreement all throughout the room. President Babin later informed us that Elder Cook changed his entire talk in the middle because he felt that we were spiritually prepared for a different message. I'm so glad he heeded that prompting.
Hey look. We found some monks last P-day on our way to play tennis with our ward
mission leader. They were awesome! They asked us to tag them on Facebook... who knew they had FB? Haha

Now, let me explain the whole "salem alaikum" bit. A week ago, Elder Nelson and I were contacting in a quartier called Cachon (means pig, you'll soon see why that's ironic). As we did so, we contacted a guy named Husseim, a straight-up Muslim. Now you should know, there are about 5 million muslims in France, many of which reside in Paris, so we get to talk to these guys on the daily. Surprisingly, Husseim was very interested in our message, and invited us to his house later on in the week.
The day of the rendez-vous came, and we met up with Husseim around 7pm. He showed up with his homie Mohammad, and we all pieced-out for chez lui (his house). I gotta tell you, I was pretty sketched-out, as was Elder Nelson. It's not too often that you find yourself following two muslim dudes into the dark abyss at night. Eventually we made it there to be greeted by a third muslim guy named Marouen. Each of these guys were probably about 25 years old.
This was my first solid appointment with muslims, and the same went for Elder Nelson, so we just decided to wing-it. As soon as we were all down on the couch, these guys started hitting us with "you believe that Jesus is the son of God -- that's absurd"s and "Mohammad was the last prophet" and stuff like that. Things kind of stayed this way until the Lord delivered a sweet blessing and brought 2 Nephi 29:11-13 to my memory:
 "11 For I command all men, both in the east and in the west, and in the north, and in the south, and in the islands of the sea, that they shall write the words which I speak unto them; for out of the books which shall be written I will judge the world, every man according to their works, according to that which is written.
 12 For behold, I shall speak unto the Jews and they shall write it; and I shall also speak unto the Nephites and they shall write it; and I shall also speak unto the other tribes of the house of Israel, which I have led away, and they shall write it; and I shall also speak unto all nations of the earth and they shall write it.
 13 And it shall come to pass that the Jews shall have the words of the Nephites, and the Nephites shall have the words of the Jews; and the Nephites and the Jews shall have the words of the lost tribes of Israel; and the lost tribes of Israel shall have the words of the Nephites and the Jews."
I read/explained this scripture and a sweet spirit entered the room. I talked about how God speaks to all his children, and hence many of the same fundamental principles are at the base of each religion. They each calmed down. We then grabbed the oportunity to begin teaching the message of the restoration, and the Spirit touched and edified each person in that room. Apparently it did something to them, because Husseim opened his hands and started mumbling something in Arabic, then Mohammad and Marouen joined in and they were all chanting the same verse from the Koran! Elder Nelson and I just looked at each other, not too sure what to do. Eventually they stopped and Husseim explained, "I see that you are men of God, and that was the oath of fraternity." We are all brothers now. I think that means that they liked the lesson.
After they whipped-out some dish that they prepared called Ijja, a common Tunisian meal, and we ate together. While leaving, they called-out after us if we could come back the next day. We scheduled another rdv for this week.
As odd as that appointment was, it got me thinking. Brothers and sisters, I testify that each and every person on this earth is a child of God and that God talks to him/her. You will not find a soul on this earth that won't affirm that warm feelings come about from serving and doing good, and that there is some kind of energy that motivates and drives to do what's right. Everyone is a sacred child of the Father, no matter the skin color, accent, language, religion, or social status, and each is searching for the restored church of Christ, even if they don't recognize it.
I know that Christ lives. I know that his church is upon the earth and that it bares the name The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, and I know that His gospel brings an eternal joy to all who seek and live it. It is our responsability to share His message, and not to be held back by petty, worldly judgement. Let us all, in this Christmas season, discover this message, embrace it, and share it.
Please check out this link:
Love you all!
And here's a little Christmas selfie for ya, mom! Unfortunately it doesn't snow here too much, if ever.

Ijja Recipe
P.S. Hey everyone! Looking to make some Christmas goodies? How about taking a little stop down south in Tunisia to our master chef Mohammad.
Me: Salem Alaikum, Mohammad! :D What are we making today?
Mohammad: Alaikum Salem *touches heart*, today we make tunisie special we call Ijja.
Me: Ijja? Mmm! Sounds tasty! What's in it?
Mohammad: All the good thing, american. First we have... uh... how you say... hui... huile?
Me: Oh Mohammad, you crack me up, you! xD Oil?
Mohammad: Yes. Yes. Yes. Oil. And then onion, and garlic, and pepper, and egg. If you have big house and many chicken then you have many egg. If you have little house and little chicken, then you have little egg.
Me: Makes sense...
Mohammad: Yes. And then, you cook. Bon appetite.
Me: Well thanks, Mohammad! That's all for today, my friends! Salem Alaikum!
(By the way, this is almost exactly the way he explained Ijja to me in broken English xD) 
Merry Christmas!

Obedience with Exactness --> So money! 11/17/14

Bahhh bonjour tous le monde!
So this past week has probably been one of the best weeks of my entire mission. I was transferred to Antony in the South of Paris and I'm with Elder Nelson now. I've got to say, Elder Nelson is one of the best missionaries I've ever met. He's humble, kind, talented, speaks impeccable French, and above all else, his desire to serve is extraordinary!
While walking back to our apartment from the train with my luggage, Elder Nelson goes "Elder Wheatley, I feel a really special Spirit about this companionship, and let me say that I'm flippin' stoked to see what goes down this transfer." I agreed, and we start talking about things we wanted to do. Among many of the little goals we set, we decided above all else that we want to be 100 percent obedient to the mission rules.
We've been working at this hard. I'll tell you, waking-up at 6:30, exercising, hitting studies at 8, speaking only French outside of the apartment, and being home by 9pm, to name a few, can be very difficult, but we've been working hard. As a result, we have been so blessed by the Lord this week. Not only do we still have the energy to keep going each and every day, but we've found 13 people who were interested in our message and taught TONS of lessons; more than I've ever taught in a single week.
Last night was a prime example of this. We had a dinner apointment set with a family of members for 6pm but we arrived at her apartment building at 5:50. We were outside the building and asked this black guy outside if the building was correct. Not only did he respond, but he unlocked the door and let us in! He then went to his apartment a few floors up. Seeing that we had a few minutes, we decided to tract for a bit. Following a prompting, we went up a few floors and knocked some random door. Who answers but the same guy that let us into the building... and his mom! Haha.
The two quickly let us in, and, talk about a vision, the two had agnostic beliefs that perfectly matched our teachings! We taught a brief lesson, and the Spirit was so strong. They eagerly accepted a following appointment and became some solid new investigators. We later shared this story with the members who lived downstairs and they were not only touched, but super excited to help teach them! What a blessing.
To make matters better, while returning to our apartment, we again saw that we were a little early and decided to contact and tract for a bit. The time was 8:47. Following inspiration, we walked down a road while contacting and we crossed paths with a young, non-practicing Muslim guy; he was probably in his early twenties. In short, we ended-up teaching part of the first lesson (The Restoration) and sharing Joseph Smith's first vision there on the road. To make things better, this guy was so touched that he gave us his phone number so we could fix another lesson.
I think the principle that I'm trying to convey is that we show our faith by our actions. Those actions can be acts of searching and finding as in missionary work, but they're just as much those moments when you're by yourself, nobody is looking, and you choose to be obedient. Obedience to all commandments, and not just to written commandment but spiritual as well (I can't tell you how many times I've kicked myself for not having followed a divine prompting), brings more blessings than we can fathom.

I think Ether 12:6 from the Book of Mormon says it best:

"And now, I, Moroni, would speak somewhat concerning these things; I would show unto the world that faith is things which are hoped for and not seen; wherefore, dispute not because ye see not, for ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith."
Brothers and sisters, to be obedient is to show faith, and to show faith is to invite miracles. So don't waste your time on worldly pleasures that temporarily satisfy carnal desires. All you're doing is stunting your ability to be a light in the world.
Love you all a ton!
Elder Wheatley

Mom, your packages are the best. I love you so much.

Miracles of the Spirit - 11/10/14

Bonjour chers amis,
The past two weeks brought about some extraordinary blessings that touched my heart to the fullest.
On Halloween night, Elder Toscano and I decided to go and visit a home that we had knocked a couple weeks earlier in the wealthiest part of our sector. The impeccable timing of this prompting caught us off guard a bit, but we gave it a shot. We travelled to Gagny and rang at the gate of what was probably the largest home in the neighborhood. Like, seriously, this home was flippin' beautiful -- but anyway, a woman came to the gate with a bag of candy. Upon seeing us, she was rather taken back. We started our contact and she blurted out, "oui! oui! Entrez! Entrez!" I don't think I've ever been so shocked to see this response in my life!
We entered the home and the woman ushered us to a beautiful sitting room and seated us a rather large table, she then left to grab her husband. Her husband, Nicholas, descended the stairs and said "Do you prefer to speak English?" Oh dear Ghandi, this is too good to be true! I thought. It turns out that Nicholas was an international trader and had, in fact, spoken with the missionaries multiple times! He said that of all religions he has come across, he is by far the most fond of Mormons. At the end of our lesson, we took down his information, and he is now our newest investigator -- or shall I say his entire family!
Brothers and sisters, of all the things I've come to learn while here on the mission, the greatest is how little we can do without the Spirit. Elder Toscano and I could have spent the entire evening knocking doors and contacting in, what would seem to us as, logical areas to spend our efforts, but the Spirit showed us better. The French family of Nicholas was a great refresher to my testimony that the Lord prepares his children for the Gospel and that it is our responsibility to be there when they are ready. Imagine having that sort of Spirit with you at all moments. Imagine the good that could be done with friends, family, and yourself. Think of how much more fulfilling life would be. The Spirit is such an incredible blessing; it's no wonder that we say "the gift of the Holy Ghost." All we must do is have faith, repent of our sins, receive the ordonnances, and live our lives worthy of the Spirit's presence.
So, I received word on transfers! Come Wednesday, I am being transferred to the South of Paris in a sector called Antony! It's basically on the exact opposite of Paris where I'm at right now. My mailing address will be:
Les Missionnaries (Elder Wheatley)
27, Rue de Fontenay
92340 Bourg-la-Reine
Love you all dearly!

This Saturday we were blessed to have the baptism of Arsene Echiman. I've grown very close to this newly-baptized-and-confirmed member and the Spirit felt at his service was extraordinary.

This was right after the service. On my left is le pot, Salson! I love that guy so much! That man is quite the baller when it comes to the le foot, but more importantly, he bares testimony like a champ! 

Last night I was blessed to partipate in a musicale fireside that took place in Torcy. The Spirit was so strong and my testimony of music was refreshed.