Monday, February 8, 2016

Oh Happy Dayyyyy - 4/20/15

Hi everyone!

Short one for you today!

So this week was easily the best week of my mission. Elder Stanford and I were going going going, and I was so grateful that the Lord blessed a couple of guys so lazy and lost as us. So many people were placed in our path, and so many discussions happened.

One of the greatest blessings that came about this week was with our extraordinary investigator Lony Loungossi! He got baptized! Unfortunately the only photo we got in our whites is on his camera, but I've got this one for you! He's that cool cat with the shades in the middle!

So get this:

​All three of these guys got baptized in the last couple years, and I've been so blessed to work closely with each of them. They all have incredible testimonies and I've learned so much from them. I must say that these two men in particular played very big roles in the teaching of brother Loungossi. They made phone calls to invite, came to rendez-voussss and spent so much time helping invite Frère Loungossi to come unto Christ. Just look at them now. They were so happy at this service, and it was so easy to see how the Gospel changes lives.

Finally I must talk about Lony's confirmation. The moment after he received the gift of the Holy Ghost, he said that he just felt this energy run through him. It was electric! He said that this energy gave him excitement and hope, and peace and tranquility at the same time. He shook my hand with such vigor after that blessing, and we both knew where these feelings were coming from.

I know that as we live our lives in a way that invites the spirit of God, we see miracles that clearly testify of God. Lony changed so much and made so many sacrifices to make this step. It was hard, but it was worth it.

Question for the week: What can we each sacrifice to come closer to Christ?

Love you all,

Elder Wheatley

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