Monday, February 8, 2016

Long Time No See! 6/8/15


So, sorry I haven't sent out one of these for a few weeks! Things have been pretty busy in Liège. This last week in particular has been insane.

Get this, remember how Elder Stanford and I had to stand in line for 7 hours for my legality two months ago? It turns-out that some over-stressed office bumpkin made a little switcheroo with the papers I gave him and they never got submitted! As my legality date was coming-up, so was my stress level. Seeing how we believe in being subject to kings, rulers, magistrates, and all that, I was about to break the law and would get deported if caught! I spoke to the couple in the office, and they organized a little Paris trip for Elder Stephenson and I. Two days, and lots of trains later, I'm legal!

But guess who we got to see!


Elder Stanford is training Elder Harris in Antony at the moment, and they are KILLING it! I was so happy to see my very good friend, and was even more pleased as we got to hop into a rendezvous with THIS GUY!

I was so happy to see Lony again! It's been a couple months since his baptism, and he's holding strong. We didn't tell him that we were coming, but just sneaked-up and surprised him! You should have seen how big his eyes got. It was exceptional.

Miracle time:

The moment we were back on the Paris trains, this energy hit me! Memories after memories of contacting and miracles. I'll be honest that I couldn't sit still! I plopped down in front of some people and started talking to them right-off-the-bat! I felt so happy! After a splendid 30 minutes of talking to various, and rather disheviled strangers, we were one stop away from getting off. Each stop takes about 2 mins, so I just kind of sat back. What kind of good contact could be made in 2 minutes, right? I was lazy and wrong, and the spirit knew it.

This whole ride, there had been this African lady with her son giving me occasional looks. In these last two minutes, the spirit smacked me that I had to speak to this woman. Time was short, so I booked it over, plopped next to her and went straight into it. She laughed, then said in English, "I am a member of your church!" However, her records were lost when she moved here two years prior. She had been looking for the church since, but never took the time to look online. She was just waiting for it to find her. Well it sure did! In those two minutes, she gave me her phone number and address and said that she wants to see the missionaries and members soon.

My brothers and sisters, this little experience has really made me reflect. If we look at the grand scheme of things, these two minutes were vital! But just think, had I not been in a state to receive and understand the Spirit, these two simple minutes could have totally been missed! It is my prayer and goal this week that I will live in a way that allows the spirit to work with "two minutes" on a daily basis. I encourage each of you to do the same.

I love you all, and here are some photos!

Elder Wheatley

- train ride over here -- I felt like I was in The Best Two Years

- Super sweet castle that we went to for a P-day! #Franchiment!

- Best district ever!

- The view from said castle

- A little piece of Liège! #doublerainbow #alltheway

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