Monday, February 8, 2016

Did You Think to Pray - 6/29/15

Hi everyone! So I realize I haven't said much about my companions recently. A few weeks ago we had transfers and Elder Stephenson was sent down to France, and I received my new comp, Elder Jake Orton! I LOVE this kid! He's such a stud, and he's teaching me how to be cool, so like, you watch out because I'm gonna come back a studly muffin ;)

The sector has made a 180 degree turn in the last few weeks, and I'd like to place the blame on a special list we've created in the district, THE DISTRICT PRAYER LIST!

So get this, each week, every companionship lists three people that they're teaching that need prayers. On top of that, we pray for new investigators, and other needed subjects for the district in general. I must tell you that the hand of God has never been so apparent throughout my mission as it has been as ten missionaries were praying for each other on a daily basis. In a number of weeks, dozens of investigators were found, and our sector in particular is finally beginning to see fruits. 

For one particular experience, we were just preparing to leave after lunch, and we realized that we had not yet prayed for the Amis (investigators). We grabbed the list and went down, and then headed out the door. On the way to our appointment, we bumped into a sister companionship, and they were so excited by something. They quickly recounted that they had just come from an appointment with one of the ladies we pray for. At the end of this lesson, the sisters felt inspired to ask if they could pray to know if God was really there. The woman accepted, and they prayed. As they were sharing this, we realized that we had been praying for this woman around the same time. They then shared how the most powerful feeling swept over this woman. She paused, shivered, and asked what was happening. She didn't want anyone to move because she didn't want the feeling to leave. She then asked the sisters to come back everyday that week. This feeling was the spirit of God. This feeling was an answer to two simultaneous prayers. 

I testify that God answers prayers. He hears us, and He knows our concerns, and He loves us enough to answer our righteous demands. So this week, think about who needs your prayers, and love them enough to supplicate God in the name of His Son for them. I promise that as you do so, they will feel of the love of the Father, and you will be better inspired as to how to help those around you.

Thanks for all your support, and keep sailin' on.

Elder Wheatley

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