Monday, February 8, 2016

Back to Paris - 7/20/15

Hi everyone! 

This past week was stellar. We had a large amount of
investigators come to church and we were blessed to see a number of
those we teach accept dates for baptism. By the end of the week on
Saturday, we were pretty stoked with how the sector was looking for
next transfer... just in time to find out that I'm going back to Paris
on Wednesday! I'm not going to lie, I'm pretty upset. I love Liege,
and I'm very sad to leave it after only three months... But guess
who's replacing me.... Elder Stanford! I know that I'm leaving Liege
in good hands. He's one of the best missionaries I know.

So I'm being transferred to the Paris - meme sector. Dead center of
the city! My sector covers the Eiffel Tower, many other sweet places,
and the Chinese elders are in my district! I'm gonna come back
speaking Mandarin! It's kind of funny because with this sector, I've
served in the north, the south, and the middle of Paris. I know this
place like nothing else!

My new companion is named Elder Ricks who has a reputation of being a
super hard worker. He'll be finishing his mission with me, so I'm
excited to learn a few things from this guy.

Here's my new address:

Les missionnaires
elder Wheatley
1 rue du tage
75103 Paris

But on a more serious note, I want to share with you one of the most
touching moments that has happened to me here in Liege. Forgive me for
being vague with names, as this is very personal. We started teaching
a man who quickly revealed to us one of his biggest struggles --
homosexuality. He told us how he had watched pornography for the
majority of his life until he found himself developing unnatural
affections. This man started our lessons with firm mindset that that
was the way he was, and he couldn't change. Our first lesson with him
became centered on the atonement of Christ.

My brothers and sisters, we can change, and I testify of this with my
heart and soul. The miracle of Christ's sacrifice is that, no matter
what we've done, no matter how we've messed up, we can always come
back. We can always change. The savior was perfect; he was the only
one who didn't need to change, yet he gave his life for us. He gave us
the chance to change. He is the intermediary, and because of Him, we
can change.

We explained this to him with scripture, and it was amazing to watch
the Spirit fill him with hope and peace. At the end of our lesson, he
called the bishop and set an appointment -- he needed to get some
things off his chest. After frequent visits and many lessons, this man
looked us in the eyes and said, "I've decided not to no longer be gay.
I wish to be married and to have a family in the church." Weeks later,
he was reactivated and making leaps and bounds in his spiritual

You know, it's amazing what things a testimony can solve. Subjects at
the forefront of world debate can be resolved by a simple Bible study.
This man has found so much peace, and has sincerely told us how he
feels better, cleaner, and hopeful. I feel like I've changed a bit

I love you all. Love each other, and go read your scriptures!

Elder Wheatley

Branch president's family

"Judge not that ye be not Judged" - 7/6/15

Hi everyone!

So first off, word of respect to Elder Packer for living a very long life of apostolic duty. That's definitely no easy job, and he rocked it! He will be missed.

Second, this week was great! The Lord blessed us in so many ways and helped our sector make leaps and bounds. Our branch was so blessed as several investigators came to church, filling the room with a new energy! Members were so excited to see new faces, and as it was fast and testimony meeting, they didn't hesitate to announce it!


One ami who came has been the subject of much reflection recently. Let me tell you about Didier. A while back during the last transfer, my companion and I received a text message from a contact in our phone named "Crazy Didier, DONT RESPOND". I asked my companion about him, and he said that he was "crazy" and not to worry about him. I'm ashamed to say that I followed that advice.

A few weeks later, I got another text from him. He was asking for us to come over and pray with him! This guy seemed like a dream, so I asked again. Upon digging, I found out that my comp had never met Didier, and had no idea why he was "crazy". I then called all the missionaries who had served in Liege over the past year, and all of them said that they had never met him, and just followed the advice... so guess what we did -- WE RESPONDED! 

At the beginning of this transfer, we made a long voyage to this man's house to meet him for the first time. My brothers and sisters, I was so humbled by this experience. Here was a Belge man who believed strongly in God, and whose life was so torn by certain addictions that had scarred his life. He had the strongest desire to change everything. Upon further digging, we learned that he had only ever once met the missionaries years before while he was sick in a hospital. Didier definitely has some peculiarities, but I would never go to say that he's "crazy", but two missionaries saw it right to utterly stop his spiritual progression for a number of years with one black-listing word.

Didier came to church for the first time yesterday, and he was amazed by the Spirit present. He loved the doctrine and the message, and the moment after church was over, we took him into a side room, and he told us that he wanted to be baptized. We told him that he'd have to make some changed to his life, but with the Lord's help, he could absolutely make it. He now has a date for the 23rd of August.

This experience has really made me think. Do you remember in John chapter 8 when Christ said "He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone"? Who are we to be casting verbal "stones" at others? Calling others weird, or crazy, or peculiar, and essentially limiting their potential and capabilites until who knows when? I am sad to say that I have often let such corrupt communication leave my mouth, for which I need to repent. But let this be a moment to remember to speak kind words to each other and about each other.

I love you all, and I encourage you to treat others as Christ would treat others, or that is, to love others as you love yourself,

Elder Wheatley

Photos taken with my IPAD:

- That would have to be Elder Orton and myself at a holocaust prison

- Check this sweet castle that we went to. I don't remember what it's called as the Redds, a missionary couple, took us there but it was sweet!

- Panorama of this beautiful ville called Huy close to Liège

- Here's another shot of the castle

- And another!

Did You Think to Pray - 6/29/15

Hi everyone! So I realize I haven't said much about my companions recently. A few weeks ago we had transfers and Elder Stephenson was sent down to France, and I received my new comp, Elder Jake Orton! I LOVE this kid! He's such a stud, and he's teaching me how to be cool, so like, you watch out because I'm gonna come back a studly muffin ;)

The sector has made a 180 degree turn in the last few weeks, and I'd like to place the blame on a special list we've created in the district, THE DISTRICT PRAYER LIST!

So get this, each week, every companionship lists three people that they're teaching that need prayers. On top of that, we pray for new investigators, and other needed subjects for the district in general. I must tell you that the hand of God has never been so apparent throughout my mission as it has been as ten missionaries were praying for each other on a daily basis. In a number of weeks, dozens of investigators were found, and our sector in particular is finally beginning to see fruits. 

For one particular experience, we were just preparing to leave after lunch, and we realized that we had not yet prayed for the Amis (investigators). We grabbed the list and went down, and then headed out the door. On the way to our appointment, we bumped into a sister companionship, and they were so excited by something. They quickly recounted that they had just come from an appointment with one of the ladies we pray for. At the end of this lesson, the sisters felt inspired to ask if they could pray to know if God was really there. The woman accepted, and they prayed. As they were sharing this, we realized that we had been praying for this woman around the same time. They then shared how the most powerful feeling swept over this woman. She paused, shivered, and asked what was happening. She didn't want anyone to move because she didn't want the feeling to leave. She then asked the sisters to come back everyday that week. This feeling was the spirit of God. This feeling was an answer to two simultaneous prayers. 

I testify that God answers prayers. He hears us, and He knows our concerns, and He loves us enough to answer our righteous demands. So this week, think about who needs your prayers, and love them enough to supplicate God in the name of His Son for them. I promise that as you do so, they will feel of the love of the Father, and you will be better inspired as to how to help those around you.

Thanks for all your support, and keep sailin' on.

Elder Wheatley

Long Time No See! 6/8/15


So, sorry I haven't sent out one of these for a few weeks! Things have been pretty busy in Liège. This last week in particular has been insane.

Get this, remember how Elder Stanford and I had to stand in line for 7 hours for my legality two months ago? It turns-out that some over-stressed office bumpkin made a little switcheroo with the papers I gave him and they never got submitted! As my legality date was coming-up, so was my stress level. Seeing how we believe in being subject to kings, rulers, magistrates, and all that, I was about to break the law and would get deported if caught! I spoke to the couple in the office, and they organized a little Paris trip for Elder Stephenson and I. Two days, and lots of trains later, I'm legal!

But guess who we got to see!


Elder Stanford is training Elder Harris in Antony at the moment, and they are KILLING it! I was so happy to see my very good friend, and was even more pleased as we got to hop into a rendezvous with THIS GUY!

I was so happy to see Lony again! It's been a couple months since his baptism, and he's holding strong. We didn't tell him that we were coming, but just sneaked-up and surprised him! You should have seen how big his eyes got. It was exceptional.

Miracle time:

The moment we were back on the Paris trains, this energy hit me! Memories after memories of contacting and miracles. I'll be honest that I couldn't sit still! I plopped down in front of some people and started talking to them right-off-the-bat! I felt so happy! After a splendid 30 minutes of talking to various, and rather disheviled strangers, we were one stop away from getting off. Each stop takes about 2 mins, so I just kind of sat back. What kind of good contact could be made in 2 minutes, right? I was lazy and wrong, and the spirit knew it.

This whole ride, there had been this African lady with her son giving me occasional looks. In these last two minutes, the spirit smacked me that I had to speak to this woman. Time was short, so I booked it over, plopped next to her and went straight into it. She laughed, then said in English, "I am a member of your church!" However, her records were lost when she moved here two years prior. She had been looking for the church since, but never took the time to look online. She was just waiting for it to find her. Well it sure did! In those two minutes, she gave me her phone number and address and said that she wants to see the missionaries and members soon.

My brothers and sisters, this little experience has really made me reflect. If we look at the grand scheme of things, these two minutes were vital! But just think, had I not been in a state to receive and understand the Spirit, these two simple minutes could have totally been missed! It is my prayer and goal this week that I will live in a way that allows the spirit to work with "two minutes" on a daily basis. I encourage each of you to do the same.

I love you all, and here are some photos!

Elder Wheatley

- train ride over here -- I felt like I was in The Best Two Years

- Super sweet castle that we went to for a P-day! #Franchiment!

- Best district ever!

- The view from said castle

- A little piece of Liège! #doublerainbow #alltheway

Transfers, iPads, and musical fireside! 4/27/15

Hi everyone!

So this week was an eventful one and full of exciting changes.

First of all, I'm leaving Paris this Wednesday! I have been called to serve in Liège, Belgium! I'm leaving on Wednesday. Here's my new mailing address:

Les Missionnaires
Elder Wheatley
16/2 Rue Carlier
4000 Liège

I'm very excited as my new companion is fresh in his 3rd transfer and ready to work hard! I had a chance to meet him earlier today at a mission conference that spoke about our incoming...


We will be receiving these bad boys before the end of this transfer, and they will prove to be a great tool in missionary work. So you know, I will be authorized to use Facebook again, however, such use will be greatly limited for missionary focus and security -- meaning, don't take it personally if I unfriend a bunch of you (it's temporary). Facebook efforts will be concentrated to my area and I won't be chatting with the homies back home. That's what Monday emails are for (;

Finally, this week we had our musical fireside for which we've spent the last couple months preparing! We were so blessed to see 17 investigators and less active members present, and not to mention one very kind and frail Italian woman who saw all the décorations and flowers dressed so skillfully by our sister missionaries and came in to stay the whole program! Theresa then came to Church the next day, and wants to take the lessons this week!

I was so pleased with how it all went, and I think one of the greatest highlights for me was the presence of Frère Loungossi's wife and daughter! They came!

​Frère Loungossi was so happy and the Spirit was so strong. I was very pleased with how this fireside worked-out. The Lord truly provided for us.

Well, I love you all, and more than anything else, I love missionary work. Just look at this family. I promise you that sincerely happy smiles like that only come after a full evening of the Spirit. The joys that come from sharing the Gospel cannot be compared.

I'm not going to make this drag on, but I'll just tell it like it is: if you're not in the process of sharing the gospel with a friend, a family member, and those whom you home teach, repent, and start doing it. Show the Lord your desire to serve, then pray for direction on who you can share this message with; I promise that you will receive a specific response if you pray with a sincere heart. Remember the words of President David O. McKay "Every member is a missionary."


Elder Wheatley

Oh Happy Dayyyyy - 4/20/15

Hi everyone!

Short one for you today!

So this week was easily the best week of my mission. Elder Stanford and I were going going going, and I was so grateful that the Lord blessed a couple of guys so lazy and lost as us. So many people were placed in our path, and so many discussions happened.

One of the greatest blessings that came about this week was with our extraordinary investigator Lony Loungossi! He got baptized! Unfortunately the only photo we got in our whites is on his camera, but I've got this one for you! He's that cool cat with the shades in the middle!

So get this:

​All three of these guys got baptized in the last couple years, and I've been so blessed to work closely with each of them. They all have incredible testimonies and I've learned so much from them. I must say that these two men in particular played very big roles in the teaching of brother Loungossi. They made phone calls to invite, came to rendez-voussss and spent so much time helping invite Frère Loungossi to come unto Christ. Just look at them now. They were so happy at this service, and it was so easy to see how the Gospel changes lives.

Finally I must talk about Lony's confirmation. The moment after he received the gift of the Holy Ghost, he said that he just felt this energy run through him. It was electric! He said that this energy gave him excitement and hope, and peace and tranquility at the same time. He shook my hand with such vigor after that blessing, and we both knew where these feelings were coming from.

I know that as we live our lives in a way that invites the spirit of God, we see miracles that clearly testify of God. Lony changed so much and made so many sacrifices to make this step. It was hard, but it was worth it.

Question for the week: What can we each sacrifice to come closer to Christ?

Love you all,

Elder Wheatley

Count Your Many Blessings 4/13/15

Howdy Friends and Family!
First off, I gotta give a shoutout to my newest niece, Riley! Way to go Clarissa! Who's an uncle? This guy!
And second off, today I just wanted to give you all a quick little message on an experience that really touched me recently.
So get this, there's a lady in our ward who lives suuuuper far from the church. She also happens to be 76 years old and she can't come to church unless she gets a ride. Seeing how a ward is pretty small, and the people in the ward with cars is even smaller, Ernesta hasn't been to church in a solid 8 years. Voila Ernesta and her boy Bernard: (I promise my hair isn't usually like this. I forgot my umbrella....)

That being said, Elder Stanford and I decided to ask the bishop if we could take the sacrament to Ernesta. The bishop affirmed, and we started off on our journey to see Ernesta and Bernard last Sunday after church. While at her home, we had a brief sacrament meeting and administered the sacrament to her. As we did so, the most beautiful, heart-touching spirit came into the room. Upon talking afterwards, Ernesta told us that it was the first time someone had brought her the sacrament in 8 years.
My friends, the sacrament presents the sacred opportunity to renew one's baptismal ordonnance and be washed clean once again. This is something that should be denied to no unworthy man or woman. I must say that I was very shaken when I learned that no priesthood member has visited her in eight years with this sacred task, but I was even more shaken when I remembered all those lazy days before my mission when I failed to fulfill my duties.

Don't deprive your neighbors of their blessings. Go out and do your home teaching and visiting teaching, and ask your bishop who in your ward could use a visit or service. We are a church of brothers and sisters, and we should show it by actions and our love for one another. I was so blessed to feel the sweet spirit that comes from service, and I tell you that if you're searching for more peace, perhaps start by helping others. I think the fifth verse of A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief explains this concept better than I ever could:

Stript, wounded, beaten nigh to death,
I found him by the highway side.
I roused his pulse, brought back his breath,
Revived his spirit, and supplied
Wine, oil, refreshment--he was healed.
I had myself a wound concealed,
But from that hour forgot the smart,
And peace bound up my broken heart.
Love you all!
Go do good things!
Elder Wheatley

- Tom Ka Gai!

Blessings - 4/6/15

Hi everyone!
Sorry I haven't written in a while. I promise I planned on writing last week, but we were somewhat deterred as Elder Stanford and I spent about... seven... and half hours waiting in line to do my second year legality. Vivre la France! For real though, It's crazy to think that I'm coming-up on a year in the mission. Haha
So, there's a man that I've yet to mention in my weekly emails. His name is Lony Loungoussi. In the middle of the last transfer, Elder Stanford and I split-up on a bus to do some contacting as we travelled to a lesson. I walked to the back of the bus and noticed a man staring at me and my missionary badge. He looked open enough, and as I approached him, he beat me to the punch and says "Vous êtes Mormon?" Upon positively affirming, he went off on how the church had changed his nephew's life in Lyon, and how he wanted that for himself. He then quickly wrote down his address, phone number, and took a rendez-vous before getting off the bus.
Here we are about a month and a half later, and Lony Loungoussi is one of the most prepared investigators I have ever taught. In the first three weeks of teaching him, he gave-up alcohol, tobacco, tea, and coffee, and managed to utterly change his life around. He's technically Muslim as he married a Muslim woman in the Muslim faith, but his heart rests with Christ. I have been so blessed to watch the faith of this man flourish, and I have been amazed by the efforts that he has taken to come unto Christ.
Yesterday, Frère Loungoussi took the hour and half journey with us to a ward farther south to watch general conference, and he loved every minute of it. He expressed his desires to be with his family forever and to help convert his wife. He has a five year-old daughter too, and he prays that they may all one day be united in the faith. I, myself, was often found thinking about how glorious the message of the Gospel is and how it will impact my future family for the better, and I cannot express the joy that I felt as I realized that this man sitting next to me was experiencing the same thing. His baptismal date is on April 18th, and I cannot wait to see him take this vital step.
Lony Loungoussi has inspired me to be a better person. There are so many things that I've learned from him. To name a few: 1) Imagine what this man could have missed had his nephew skipped the opportunity to testify of the gospel to his family after he was baptized. 2) Imagine what Elder Stanford and I could have missed had we lazily plopped down next to each other and avoided others during the voyage. 3) Witnessing the enthousiasm of Lony helps me to see how much I take for granted. Frère Loungossi works a night shift from 8pm to 8am, and I've been stunned to learn during some of our rendez-vous how he had deprived himself of sleep for church or a lesson.

It has been one of my greatest blessings on my mission to teach Lony Loungossi.
- Check-out this sweet sunset that we witnessed upon walking out of conference in Evry.
- I had the blessing to go on exchanges with my old companion Elder Toscano this week. T'was great.
- Said exchange took place in a small city called Chartres with one of the most beautiful cathedrals that I've ever seen.
- This is a part of Elder Stanford an my's vast collection of photos from our adventure at the L'Hay Les Roses Préfecture (where you go to do legality)!